понедельник, 1 апреля 2013 г.

Magazines revision

Magazines revision
Yesterday I was at our state library, the one which is said to look like a dimond. Dimonds are girl's best friends, but only this one has became a real friend to me( in spite of the fact that it's quite ugly). So there I discovered the latest fashion magazines and just burried myself in them. So now I'm ready to share my godsends

This one is from "Story" magazine. It's not sbout fashion but it is one of my favourites. It has become a real source of inspiration for me. On this photo you can see one the most magnificent poetess, Ann Achmatova, that represents sphinx.
Just a stunning look, isn't it?

Pure perfection from Elle magazine.

Look at their shoes, that immideately draw my attention. And the combination of soft and tender materisl resemble of balerinas.

The most awessom military looks I've seen for this season.

Also ref reshing "new look" from Dior.

Only look at the trousers.

Make up and hairstyle couldn't be better. I will defenetly try it this autemn.

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